I can not log in

Forgot your password?

You can reset your password via this link. Enter the email address you use to log in to your Bullswap account. We will send you a link and a code to set a new password.

If you wait too long, the code may expire. You can request a new code directly from that page.

I receive an error message

  • You have not yet been approved by the business owner/manager of your company

This means your company already has a Bullswap account. The administrators of this company account first need to accept you before you gain full access to the platform.

The best course of action is to contact one of these admins or send us a message via the chat so we can get this resolved.

  • Your email address and/or password are incorrect

If you're not sure about your password, it's best to have your password reset. You can do this through this link

If you still can't log in, it's possible that you're trying to log in with the wrong email address. Contact us via chat, and we'll try to solve this together