Multiple users in your team

It is possible to add additional users to your company. Depending on the permissions you grant them, these users can also place orders, etc.

Adding an additional user

You can add a team member by navigating to Company > Team

Then enter the correct data and select a role. The role determines what initial permissions this user will have on Bullswap.

Your team member will now receive an email asking them to confirm their email address by clicking on the link. Until this happens, the user will have the status "Unconfirmed".

E-mail confirmation not working?

The email confirmation link is only valid for a limited time (for security reasons). If your colleague has waited too long, you can resend the invitation. You can do this by clicking on the dots and resending or by clicking on the name of your colleague. Then you will find the action at the top of the header bar.

Edit role/permissions

By clicking on the name of a team member you will be taken to the detail page of this user. Depending on a user's status, you can

  • Change the user's role
  • Change a user's permissions (thus overriding the default role permissions)
  • Delete/deactivate the user
  • Accept or decline a newly registered user (read more below)

Accept or refuse users

When someone registers with the same company number as your company's, this user is not immediately approved. This user will have the status "Pending" in your team page.

All team members of your company with the appropriate permissions will be given the option to approve or deny this new user. You immediately set the role upon acceptance.